Unannounced Project - VisDev and Art Direction | Part 2

This scene was created to confirm if the style that we choose was really working well, and describing the universe that we were bringing to life.

This time I worked on a village, to have different elements from the ruins (preview post). I tried to different approaches for the design and for the final render.

In the end the brush strokes style was working for us, and I did some mood tests to see how believable this scene could be.

Essa cena foi criada para confirmar se o estilo que escolhemos estava realmente funcionando bem e descrevendo o universo que estávamos dando vida.

Dessa vez eu trabalhei em uma vila, para ter elementos diferentes das ruínas (postagem prévia). Tentei diferentes abordagens para o design e renderização.

No final, o estilo das pinceladas funcionou para nós e fiz alguns testes de clima para ver o quão crível essa cena poderia ser.

First sketch (too childish)

First sketch (too childish)

Second try(the curves still brings a cartoon style)

Second try(the curves still brings a cartoon style)

Less curves and better scale

Less curves and better scale

Style 01 - line art and flat colors

Style 01 - line art and flat colors

Stytle 02 - textures and a bit more volume

Stytle 02 - textures and a bit more volume

Style 03 - brush strokes

Style 03 - brush strokes

Style 03 - Mood test - Rain

Style 03 - Mood test - Rain

Style 03 - Mood test - Night

Style 03 - Mood test - Night

Style 03 - Mood test - Poison

Style 03 - Mood test - Poison

Style 03 - Mood test - Plague

Style 03 - Mood test - Plague

