The world was changing.
The smell of the water was weird.
The people were afraid about the forest and snow.
Trees were dying, animals were disappearing, a man didn't come home and the mist brought stranges noises.
What is happening? No one knows. But there is something out there and maybe... inside too.
O mundo estava mudando.
O cheiro da água era estranho.
As pessoas estavam com medo da floresta e da neve.
Árvores estavam morrendo, animais desaparecendo, um homem não voltou para casa e a névoa trazia barulhos estranhos.
O que está acontecendo? Ninguém sabe. Mas há algo lá fora e talvez... dentro também.
(All these images was studies for a project by Wondernaut Studio.-- Essas imagens foram estudos pra um projeto da Wondernaut Studio.)